Column Stability
Compression strengths of columns can be predicted using theoretical elastic solutions for slender, symmetrical and centroidally-loaded columns. For short or eccentrically loaded columns, corrections need to be made using one of several methods:
- non-linear material behavior for compact sections
- semi-emperical method based on test data
- a curve fit (interaction) from Euler solution to cutoff (crippling, yield) such as Johnson-Euler
Note: Beam-column strength checks should be done, even on symmetrically loaded columns, with an assumed manufacturing tolerance such as L/400.
Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization (MMPDS), MMPDS-05. Federal Aviation Administration, April 2010.
Bruhn, E. F. (1973). Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures. Indianaponlis, IN.
Peery, D. J. (1950). Aircraft Structures. New York, NY.
Timoshenko, S. P. (1961). Theory of Elastic Stability. New York, NY.
Niu, M. C. (2001). Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing. Hong Kong.
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