Fastened Joint Stiffness Calculator
Calculates effective shear and tension fastener stiffness for a single or double lap joint.
- Translational components calculated
- Rotational components estimated
- All six degrees of freedom for input in finite element model
- Input multiple joint configurations at once
- Huth method currently available
- Huth H, Influence on Fastener Flexibility on the Prediction of Load Transfer and Fatigue Life for Multiple-Row Joints, ASTM STP 927 (1986).
- Huth H, Zum Einfluβ der Nietnachgiebigkeit mehrreihiger Nietverbindungen auf die Lastübertragungs und Lebensddauervorhersage, Bericht Nr. FB-172 (1984).
- Tate. M. B. and Rosenfeld. S. J., Preliminary Investigation on Loads Carried by Individual Bolts in Bolted Joints, NACA TN-I051. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington, DC. 1946.
- Unpublished reports of the Boeing Co., Renton. WA.
- Swift, T., Development of the Fail-Safe Design Features of the DC-10 in Damage Tolerance in Aircraft Structures ASTM STP 486, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1971. pp. 164-214.
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